Finding Your Life’s Purpose is a Sneaky Saboteur.
We spend so much time searchign for our purpose. Why am I here? What am I meant to be doing? In the meantime, while we spend all that time gazing at our navel and trying to work out why we’re here, and what our big purpose is, life passes us by. Before you know it, another year has gone by and we’re still trying to work out what our purpose is.
Finding your purpose can be a distraction. What if, rather than one big overarching purpose, your life was made up of a lot of little moments of purpose?
What if your purpose changed day by day, moment by moment based on who you were being in that moment, who you were with, or what you were doing?
What if there isn’t one big grand purpose? What if you’re here, to experience life, to live, to love, to grow? All of those require a different purpose, don’t they?
I’d like to invite you to spend some time, instead of searching for that big purpose, spend some time getting to know what matters to you. Is it having enough energy to get through the day so that when you get home, you can be present with the people you love? Rather than collapsing on the couch with a glass of wine and four hours of Netflix ahead of you, too exhausted to connect with somebody you care about? What if you made your purpose in that moment connecting with that special someone when you got home? Or what if you made your purpose looking after your body like an athlete looks after their body so that you have not just enough energy to get to the end of the day but through the day and into the night?
What if your purpose was just giving someone an encouraging smile, cheering someone on, listening to your mom or your dad? What if that was your purpose?
We can make a real difference in this world, moment by moment. It’s not about having the big plan. It’s not about launching the big business. It’s about being present. It’s about loving. It’s about connecting. And it’s about knowing what matters to you moment by moment.
So, if you’re with me on this, if you’re ready to live your purpose, moment by moment; spend some time working out what matters most to you. What are those things that if you managed to do each day or each week, you would come to the end of the week and you’d say, “you know what? I had a great week this week”.
Do you know why you had a great week? Because you had a great day. And then you had another great day. And then another great day. Before you know it, a great week. Do you know what makes a great day? You had a great hour and you have another great hour? You had more great hours in that day then not so great hours.
What if life was just that simple? Imagine all the energy it would free up in our lives if we spent less time worrying about our big purpose and more time doing those little things that matter.
I’d like to invite you to take moment, just live just in the moment and see what lies in there.