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In a recent episode of Project Joyful, a conversation with Nina Fountain delved into the transformative power of personal style. The discussion explored expert advice on how to consistently show up feeling your best, even on those challenging days when moods may falter.

Two prevalent approaches were highlighted: accepting and embracing the less-than-stellar mood or actively working to change it.

Drawing inspiration from Amy Cuddy’s renowned TED talk on body posture, the episode emphasised how our attire can significantly influence our mood and boost our confidence.

emotional connection to clothing

The conversation also ventured into the potent emotional connection we have with our clothing, advocating for wardrobe mindfulness and the removal of items that carry negative associations. By curating wardrobes with intentionality, we can enhance our visual communication—a crucial aspect for success in corporate settings. The expert guidance shared focused on constructing a wardrobe that alleviates stress rather than adding to it, with a practical framework based on perfect colors, flattering body shapes, and personalised style essence to determine which pieces should stay or go.

A prevalent issue among women in the corporate world was addressed: the pressure to adopt less feminine attire to be taken seriously.

expressing your authentic style

The importance of expressing one’s authentic style, even in professional environments, was passionately underscored. Personal style was affirmed as an influential tool for leaders to communicate confidence, integrity, and self-worth.

A memorable anecdote was shared about a tender bid presentation where professional and stylish attire was maintained, demonstrating that it is possible to preserve one’s character while adhering to corporate norms.

Practical tips were provided, such as maintaining a lookbook on your phone for quick outfit inspiration and keeping an alternate pair of shoes for evening engagements.

changing body shapes

For those grappling with wardrobe dilemmas due to changing body shapes, particularly menopausal women, a 5-shapes system was introduced to identify the most flattering outfits.

This approach is particularly useful for adapting to shifts in body composition and finding garments that celebrate, rather than conceal, the body.

The evolution of corporate style was recognised, dispelling the outdated notion that powerful dressing is limited to austere blue and black suits. Instead, a style synergy types quiz was promoted to help individuals uncover their unique style dimensions and project their inner worth through intentional clothing choices.

Bespoke styling services and coaching packages were highlighted, aiming to transform wardrobes and elevate confidence within a few months.

Find this exciting conversation with Nina in the podcast by Tracy Tutty, click HERE, if you want to learn more about styling.